Ballet Russe Reimagined III Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 7:30 PM EDT
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Saturday, May 10, 2025 at 7:30 PM EDT
Enter one of ballet's most fascinating periods, when impresarios and daring choreographers changed the course of dance history.&enspBallet Russe Reimagined is a three-part series paying homage to the innovations that propelled ballet into the 20th and 21st centuries ...
Enter one of ballet's most fascinating periods, when impresarios and daring choreographers changed the course of dance history.&enspBallet Russe Reimagined is a three-part series paying homage to the innovations that propelled ballet into the 20th and 21st centuries ...
What Ballet Russes accomplished through the perception and promotion of the art of dance, it also did for the creative artists of the early 20th century — composers and musicians, choreographers and dancers, painters, designers, and writers all felt the influence of this fresh vibe, adopting and adapting to
its movement, progressing the arts from classically aligned standards to more stylized approaches.
Pearl Street Arts Center
234 Pearl St
Fort Wayne IN 46802
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