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Runs from Friday September 17 2021 to Sunday September 26 2021

Approximate running time: 2 hours


First Presbyterian Theater
300 W Wayne St
Fort Wayne IN 46802

Event Notes


In this contemporary, slice-of-life, Pulitzer-Prize finalist play, The Wolves follows the 9 teenage girls–members of an indoor soccer team–as they warm up, engage in banter and one-upmanship, and fight battles big and small with each other and themselves. As the teammates warm up in sync, a symphony of overlapping dialogue spills out their concerns, including menstruation (pads or tampons?), is Coach hung over?, eating disorders, sexual pressure, the new girl, and the Khmer Rouge (what it is, how to pronounce it, and do they need to know about it–“We don’t do genocides ’til senior year.”) By the season’s and the play’s end, amidst the wins and losses, rivalries and tragedies, they are warriors tested and ready–they are The Wolves.

The Wolves does have mature conversations and language and may not be appropriate for all audience members.

Important Notice: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any place where people are present. Arts United is implementing robust health and safety measures as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; however, there is never a guarantee of an illness-free arts and culture event or activity. By visiting any facility operated by Arts United, you voluntarily assume all risks related to COVID-19.

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